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Syllabus Policy

There is a campus policy on what must be included in the syllabus. You can read the guidelines in this Faculty Senate document. Resources for creating accessible materials, including an accessible sample syllabus, may be found at the Teaching Resource Center website. Here is a local link to an Accessible Sample Syllabus. The sample syllabus is ADA compliant.

In brief, each course syllabus must contain:

  • Instructor name, office location, telephone number and/or e-mail address, and office hours
  • Class term, meeting times, location
  • Course goals and/or objectives and/or expected student learning outcomes
  • Required text(s) and/or materials
  • Types and descriptions of major assignments
  • Basis for assigning course grade
  • A statement of ADA compliance, including contact information for the university’s office for Services to Students with Disabilities, and the reminder that it is the student's responsibility to seek academic accommodations for a verified disability in a timely manner.
  • Instructor shall refer students to the “Academic Regulations and Procedures" in the CSUSB Bulletin of Courses for the university’s policies on course withdrawal, cheating, and plagiarism.

It is strongly encouraged that the following items also be included in the syllabus:

  • Prerequisite courses required
  • Policies on participation and attendance, especially as those items that affect final grades;
  • Provisions for makeup of missed or late assignments, if any
  • Other information essential to the course, e.g., information about accessing any online resources, or assignments that must be accomplished at off-campus locations;
  • Consequences for cheating and/or plagiarism;