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Bachelor of Arts

The B.A. in Mathematics offers the most flexibility in terms of taking courses from other areas to complete a degree. It is recommended for those who might wish to obtain a minor in another subject such as art, geography, language, etc. It is also recommended for those who wish to obtain a higher degree in an area for which mathematics is a primary requirement.

A total of 74 units in mathematics are required for the B.A. degree. There are a total of 30 required lower division units, 32 upper-division units, and 12 units of upper-division electives.

A complete description of the course requirements for the B.A. degree in mathemetics may be found in the Bulletin of Courses.

A schedule of courses for each quarter is available from the opening page of the University web site and the final exam schedule for each quarter is found at the Academic Scheduling home page. For convenience we list those links here.